Easy To Create - Masking Fluid Brush!

Do you love the effect masking fluid gives but hate spoiling your brushes?
I've been looking for a masking fluid brush for the longest time. I've only found masking fluid pens (link here) but i wanted a brush that would be able to produce the thick and thin strokes.
and now, i have the perfect solution!
This brush has a removable brush tip so you don't have to worry if the tip of the brush frays or becomes too soft. You can purchase the tip here
[caption id="attachment_5586" align="aligncenter" width="144"] Molotow Brush Refill [/caption]
To make things easier, i've prepared a step by step instruction video on how you can do this yourself!
Supplies you'll need:
I hope you enjoyed this video if you do not have access to the molotow brushes, you can also check out an alternative tutorial here! 
This video is kindly sponsored by @overjoyedxyz

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